Edison Screw lamp holders have a safety feature that mean once put together they cannot easily be unscrewed. This is to ensure you do not unscrew the whole ES lampholder when changing the light bulb. Safety essential, but not ideal if you have put it together and need to unscrew it again. However with a little patience, it is possible. See our video to see how. All E27 lampholders should have this safety feature.
Hi. First time attempting to make a lamp out of a decorative old glass bottle I’ve got, from a pub I used to work at some years ago now. All was going so well until I went to wire up the 3 strand flex to the Bottle lampholder!
How are you supposed to open the antique style (ie. metal) bottle lampholder BC side entry holder, to be able to wire it up??? The video shows how to open a locked lamp holder for a plastic fitting but not the metal style I bought..
Hope you can help resolve this. Thanks.
Hi Marie,

Yes the tube unscrews from the lamp holder, you can then pass the flex up the tube to the lamp holder to wire it up. Please feel to call the office if you need any more help. Louise or Daniel will be able to help you. The video is just relating to ES lamp holders.
Do send us a picture when you are done, we love to see our customers creations ;-)